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Keynote Speakers
Morgan Beeby
Imperial College, London
Beeby's group uses 3D electron microscopy to understand how molecular machines like flagella or injectisomes have evolved.
He is also a passionate promoter and has designed lego models of his molecular machines to introduce them to the general public!
Tak Wah Mak
University of Toronto, Canada
Best-known for discovering and delineating the structure of the T-cell antigen receptor, he also founded Agios Pharmaceuticals, a company that developed a first-ever compound approved to specifically target tumor metabolism in cancer treatment.
Maria Carmo-Fonseca
University of Lisboa, Portugal
As a professor she gathers knowledge about RNA splicing in
human diseases and new medical applications for RNA.
She is also a member of several scientific organisations and
monitoring editor of the Journal of Cell Science.
Karim El Kasmi
Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany
After an outstanding academic career, he changed to industry where he is now working as Laboratory Head of the
Immunology and Respiratory Research Department.
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