Beyond Science
The physics of failure with Georg Eggers
Georg Eggers studied physics at the University of Göttingen and Aachen in Germany. In 1999 he finished his PhD at the University of Aachen about the structure of a Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM/SNOM). He worked as an engineer for several companies before he became a Professor at the Munich University of Applied Sciences in 2012.
In his free time he performs in cabaret shows, at the theater or for poetry slams. Furthermore, he is in the board of „Planet Slam e.V.“ and helped to organize a literary festival. He is also into music and performs for example in chamber choirs. Last but not least he develops, as well, toys with physical-technical function.
On top, Georg Egger performs in his own show "The physics of failure". In this show he explains the physical background of great inventions that have not evolved as the inventor expected- preferably by animated Power Point and risky live experiments whose outcome are often also a surprise to the speaker. He addresses, for example, the question : how the RMS Titanic did succeed in falsifying the postulate “virtually unsinkable” on the very first trip.
Georg Egger will surprise us with an entertaining mixture of poetry slam, freehand physical experiments and self-written songs.
Bake This
In August 2011, an international mix of theatrically inclined individuals decided to create their own improv group to learn some new skills. Thanks to Fridolin, their first rehearsal space (bakery named Brotraum) was soon found. To this day, Bake This continues stirring the many ingredient of improv together. The group is composed, at the moment of six performers that come from a wide range of countries, and work in many different fields.
Their mission : a diverse group of dedicated and supportive improvisors daring to stretch their minds by taking risks on stage as well as spreading the love of improv throughout the community.
What do they do ? They receive material from someone else, outside, in the audience and create a show with that idea, without planning or rehearsing. They use, as well, music to inspire them to build the stories, to sing, to dance !
To conclude the <interact> 2016, Bake This will entertain us with a selection of improv games that will make you participate, they will sing, they will dance with of course, for all of that, a little necessary scientific touch !