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Online registration is now closed.
Limited On-the-spot registrations will be available
for <interact> 2016 main event on 4th November .
* Please pay as soon as possible in order to finish registration. Registration is not complete until the payment is made.
**If you plan to submit an abstract please do not pay the fee. Once paid, the fee cannot be reimbursed. If you did not submit your abstract until submission deadline, this offer will be retrieved without further notice. However, please expect payment reminders until you submit an abstract or pay the fee.
Early-bird registration is now closed.
Regular registration fee: 19 € *
Submit an abstract for a POSTER or a TALK.
Registration fees is waived off for selected abstracts**.
Abstract submission is now closed.
IMPRS students registration fees are covered by IMPRS. Once registered on ConfTool, please forward the registration confirmation to Hans-Joerg Schaeffer ( in order for IMPRS to finish the payment and complete registration.
EXTENDED Abstract submission deadline: NOW CLOSED
EXTENDED Registration deadline: NOW CLOSED
Special goodie bags (Swag bag) for early-birds!
Make <interact> 2016
YOUR symposium!
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