EMERGENCY is an international, independent and neutral humanitarian organization, founded in Italy in 1994 to provide free surgical and medical assistance to the victims of war, landmines and poverty.
EMERGENCY promotes a culture of peace, solidarity and respect for human rights. EMERGENCY builds and manages Hospitals, Surgical Centres, Rehabilitation Centres, Paediatric Clinics, First Aid Posts, Mobile Clinics (Polibus/Politruck), Primary Health Clinics, a Maternity Centre and a Centre for Cardiac Surgery. Subsequent to request from local authorities and other organizations, EMERGENCY has also helped to renovate and equip pre-existing health facilities. Training of national staff is a vital component of EMERGENCY's capacity building work, which is aimed at strengthening the healthcare systems of the countries where we operate.
EMERGENCY is a recognized charity in Belgium, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, UK, and USA.
EMERGENCY is a partner of the United Nations (DPI/NGO), and it was granted the Special Consultative Status at ECOSOC in 2015. EMERGENCY has developed the ANME (African Network of Medical Excellence) in order to create Medical Centres of Excellence to strengthen Health Systems at national and international level.
Currently EMERGENCY works in the following Countries: Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Iraq, Italy, Sierra Leone and Sudan. Every year, more than 270 people come to work in EMERGENCY’s hospitals and healthcare centres: doctors, nurses, lab technicians –but also administrators, logisticians and many others.